Saturday, April 28, 2012

What Do We Have In Common?

A pair of platform shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: party shoes, diamond shoes, platform shoes, retro shoes, etc.

O que é que eu e Kate Bosworth temos em comum?
Aparentemente nada, mas parece que escolhemos o mesmo vestido da Topshop! (lembram-se dele neste post?)
Agora, tudo o que quero é um corpalhaço destes e uma beleza igual :P (e só não for pedir muito, o resto docloset também eheh!).

What does Kate Bosworth and I have in common?
It looks like we've chosen the same dress from Topshop (do you remember it from this post?). Now, all I want is her perfect body and beauty (and the rest of her closet too:P).

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Workshop Tendências de Moda by Fashion Adviser Patrícia Pereira - Óptica da Boavista

A pair of diamond shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: party shoes, diamond shoes, platform shoes, retro shoes, etc.

No sábado que passou tive a oportunidade de assistir a um WorkShop de tendências de moda dado pela Fashion Adviser Patrícia Pereira e organizado pela Óptica da Boavista

Aqui temos a nossa professorinha Patricia Pereira
Adorei conhecê-la é super simpática, acessível e explica tudo ao pormenor
além de estar sempre preocupada com as nossas perguntas :) 

Quanto ao WorkShop posso-vos dizer que não contava aprender tanto, há tanta coisa que nos passa completamente ao lado, mas que analisando bem faz muito sentido.
Ora vou tentar resumir aquilo que aprendi, e posteriormente farei posts mais explicados sobre as tendências mais interessantes.

A Patrícia explicou que são lançadas 7 a 9 tendêcias por estação, tendências essas que são analisadas por um grupo de entendidos (que varia) com base em factores ambientais, sociológicos, temporais etc... posteriormente apresentam as suas sugestões e que algumas marcas seguem ou não à risca essas sugestões.

Apresentou-nos as 4 tendências desta estação e as suas respectivas sub-tendências, assim como as palavras chave e cores de cada uma delas:
  • Asphalt Julge
  • Soft Alternative
  • Fatal Attraction
  • New Edge

Ficamos também a saber quais as cores que favorecem e as que não favorecem as Loiras, as morenas de pele clara, as morenas de pele escura e as ruivas pessoalmente adorei esta parte e tenciono fazer em breve uns posts divertidos.

Podemos ver também as tendências relativamente á maquilhagem que é totalmente inspirada nos anos 50. 

No que toca aos cabelo vai-se usar os cabelos volumosos e com ondas.. Todas as cores serão permitidas menos o preto...

Agora deixo-vos com algumas fotos:

E não podia faltar a foto de grupo, Helena Leal, Andreia Silva , ME , Telma Leal e Tatiana Pinto

Antes de terminar quero dizer que adorei conhecer a Óptica da Boavista é enorme aliás a maior da Europa. tem bar e parque diversões para crianças e os óculos são uma perdição.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ombre hair – carbon black tips

A pair of party shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: party shoes, diamond shoes, platform shoes, retro shoes, etc.

Hello guys! Sorry for missing in action for so long, I’ve been away for Easter and felt like taking a break from pretty much everything! But I’m back and ready to face the hundreds of emails that have been piling up in my inbox this last week.

I received a tone of questions about my hair and the change I made recently. I guess I should start with that!
It was something spontaneous, I wanted a change, I had a voucher to this salon called Tribute and I went there with no expectations! 
The surprise was that the place was actually amazing and the personal was super nice and welcoming. As a side note all the guys working there were total eye candies and I’m talking top shelf eye candy :)))) – too bad I didn’t have my camera with me! Not important for the purpose of the visit but enjoyable all the same. 

I told them I wanted a sort of an ombre effect but something shocking, a crazy color like dark blue or fuchsia.George Soare explained to me that would be very damaging for my hair because they would have to discolor my hair 7 or 8 shades down, besides it would have lasted a very short time so I went for carbon black instead. I think it looks great on my chestnut hair!

The only thing is I have to straighten my hair as they did at the salon for a full effect – if I sport my usual tousled hairdo it doesn’t really pop. I think the way you choose your hair straightener  is very important as I’m not very patient with this kind of things and so I need something very good and fast to achieve the same look at home in 5 minutes. The new limited edition styler - the ghd Peacock (which comes in three different colors: emerald green, sapphire blue and amethyst purple) is on top of my list. I would so go for the blue version – it’s the exact shade I imagined coloring my hair initially.

And yes, I do believe you can end up with a similar result at home, just don't do it by yourself, ask a friend to help you with the dye part at least!