Thursday, August 23, 2012

Constructs of the World Needed for Motivation and Change

Constructs? World is formed of such vastness that it is said in the movie Excalibur by Merlin to Arthur of the Dragon ".....if you would be able to see it and grasp it whole it would burn you alive!" So there is a natural need to limit and define the world for what is only called for by a person or society. Aldous Huxley mentions what he calls a reducing valve is what is needed in the brain for its survival of this influx of information. Imagine hearing the grass grow, every molecule split, all atoms spinning, every ones thoughts at once, or for that matter all sound. Like a chef, we follow recipes to put certain amounts of ingredients unto our food. For taste is dependent on the person and society. Nobody just throws every thing into the mix and expects it to be delectable or even healthy for you. Discernment happens so that certain goals are reached. This is what the reducing valve does.
Another point is that we adjust to the reality of other minds and not the world. The world is only the raw materials to construct the matrixes that society follows and believes as reality. We in the western world stomp a child's instinct to create imaginary friends, create other worlds, or fix themselves with magical powers they only see. In Hindu culture, adults take on the practice of making Tulpa's; imaginary friends. With constant thinking of these personalities, in time they and other people will see these beings. After they are created they become very resistant to being removed from reality.
Then In the Movie Erik the Viking, when the longship is attacked by the serpent of the north sea, only the Christian monk does not see the serpent that the pagan Vikings do. He was of another world and its constructs. In Bali the initatory rites into adulthood consist of walking on fire that registers a thousand degrees. After some preparatory praying and fasting, most of the youths walk unscourged by the fire. A Baptist from the west tried to show his faith in his God was just as strong nearly burned his feet off. Why, these youths have been watching people walk on fire their whole lives. I always thought if a child was raised in a society in which every one flew, he would do so. Even if the rest of society hid the fact they were using jet packs. In the country of Senegal my friend was raised in a society that still had medicine men. One time one of his friends broke his arm, with a severe bent to it, playing soccer. He went unto the medicine man, who snapped a stick and laid the two pieces apart next to the broken arm and carefully merged the splinters back together again; the arm was healed. He had also had seen the God of the field who walked up to his crow tower three times assuming the size of a giant each time. His society was of a world of constructs that fostered these ideas since infancy, where we are like the Monk who can not see the serpent sinking the ship. People falling in a dream who see themselves hit the ground are thought to die in real life as well. In the movie Dreamscape, an assassin would kill people in their dreams. The constructs or reality were so strong that the people would die in real life.
"You must give up your life to find greater."Jesus
But what does all this magical gobbly-gook have to do about bringing change into your life? Everything. In the world you want to bring change to; either it being leaving a spouse, a job, or quitting an addiction. You must change the constructs first. When one leaves prison he is advised not to see certain people or visit certain environments. Same with an addict, it would be harmful for him to enter a place of active users. People in the old world need you to justify their choice in society. No one wants to accept that their world has been a lie. They rather perpetuate their thinking forever if they could. Why because they are helpless to the fear and desire circle. Sometimes they are jealous. Parents scorn their children for their creative thinking that is not concrete. Either it be the magic and fun created by the imagination or doing those professions they did not have faith to try themselves. We force our children to verify our world and our views. But why are we so admiriant about it, because we know there is another way. Either we push our children to breaking point to bring us out of our reality, or hem them in so we do not have to change. First rule of control in Herbert's Dune series is; scorn all those who are different for they may see change is possible. Also a heretic is said to be one who sees with their own eyes open. The Indonesians believe the shadow cast by their puppets to be of the real world and ours but the true play. Shakespeare had said all the world is a play. When one consoles a friend when their father has died, he merely apologizes for his father playing dead. Life is what you make of it.
That is why it is most important for your parents to justify and reassure your life goals. They either help you preserve your construct or break them down like a house of cards. They can be your strong stone and mortar to follow your dreams. Like Pavlov's dogs we respond to rewards and punishments to acquire our views of society that the whole agrees on. A child has greater needed to become part of a group than remain indifferent in its own world. Sometimes the group takes its constructs as holy and something that can not ever change. This leads to it strains and faults that are limited from repair within the system. But luckily the mind wanders away from this necessity whenever it can. It is for us not to scorn ourselves when it does. Nor should we let it get to far away from the group we intend to rejoin or even change.
Right brained conservative thinking is that of group thinking. Alexie Sherman in one of his short stories about a basketball player looking for pick up games had this commentary about Republicans and democrats. He would either play one on one with democrats or four on one with republicans. The democrat being more autistic left brained thinking could act independently, but the republicans needed the group to give strength to their opine or talents. The democrats are of the western thinking of Gate Valve the importance of the individual in society and the republicans are of the thinking of the east that sees more importance in the whole. They find the individual as a threat. For their egos act on the third chakra of self acquisition and not the fourth, so they fear themselves. In the army young men are taken out of the world of the individual to become a member of a team and then thrown back into the world of the me, me, me without the appropriate retraining. Someone said the real fall of man was the split between the thinking of the individual and that of the group.
All right you might think this is getting you no where and you would of been better off watching that final episode of Friends once more that you had taped from before. But wait; you do want to know how to bring change to your life and see where you are making mistakes that limit this from happening. It is all in the constructs.
In Joseph Chilton Pearce's Crack in the Cosmic Egg, he describes Jesus as one who has seen the world not as a distinct mechanical unit, distinct from the mind of man. But a matrix for continual resynthesis which is an agreed and practiced upon construct in a continuum of possible worlds. In Quantum physics they have observed the Proton turn into a negative Phi meson, disappear, reappear as a Neutron, turn into a positive Phi meson, and back into a proton. They also have observed in their math that an atom has as any dimensions as it has electrons times by four. Only when one of the possible actions of the atom has been observed, is it limited to only four dimensions. But Pierce also says Christ perceived that no solitary reality can be communicable by others unless by agreement by the participant's of the world. Only under special circumstances and for special goals would Jesus break from the old constructs upon the agreed upon world. He was there to restructure a specific problem area in an ordinary reality. He was able to look outside the box. His nonordinary states become shared ones by the constant needs of others, not only on his ego and its selfish goals.
To attain these non-ordinary realities it only takes three or four people to agree upon them. As an artist you need to do a couple of freebies that result in a printed medium or a piece that is hanged in a respected place for others to be willing to pay you. But it first starts by not saying you will be an artist, but by breathing as one as you say I am. For when you become your own ego it is like you becoming your own god. For Yahweh means, I am. But to share this reality you must agree that every one else is a god as well. But to do this, the only way of receiving our new worlds is by doing. Just do it, But the action comes through rigorous reality adjusting changes to your life. It could start by wearing new clothes, taking a new way to work, changing your hours, visiting new places, or changing some small habits. These things should be performed arbitrary with no set ideas of which ones to change. That will stimulate your left brained thinking. This will help you balance the art of your life with that that can only be felt with the concrete reality which can be touched and qualified. For no system is the last word to anything. So nothing should be held so sacred that it can not be brought to change.
For Brahma created the all that is, was, and will be. It is for Vishnu to preserve what is helpful and Shiva to remove what is not. The universe is like a box of paints of all the colors of the visible and not visible spectrum before any painting is created. At this juncture, all paintings exist. Once the frame is put on, we are limited to that one only until the paint box is opened once more. Idolatry to Jesus is holding any product of reality as absolute. For him the process is the only truth. When a teen thinks he wants to be a guitar god, but realizes he prefers after all to tweak the knobs and levers on a sound board; should he be ashamed? No music was only the way to his truth.
But how do we get to bring change in our lives? It is in the gradual complete collapse of our certainty in every day life that will bring us into new realities as some ones new husband, a painter, a electrician, a plumber, or just as someone happy. This is the small death that William Blake calls for. It is the Ego Deaths, the Tower card, and Hagal's Aett. The components of our regular reality can be denied for its restructuring. Jesus said we must give up our lives so we may gain a new. Was this not what Peter and Simon did when they left behind their nets and boats to follow him? But then again did they, for did they not become fishers of men. This is the leap of faith and the walk on the swords edge. But he got thoroughly pissed if you believed he was the truth and not the way. Buddha felt he could not teach illumination either, but only the way. For it is for your own little god to grow up and to take it's place next to Christ at a large cosmos oriented round table with no center or head. Teachers want you always to surpass them. Pierce also says their is no being unless it is in the act of being.
No w he also mentions the fact it was the poor and the handicapped who heard him the most. For the scholar, the Pharisee,and the rich man held much desire. For they gained allot and feared losing what they established as their reality. What did the poor have to loose, but being poor. It was easier for them to give up something that did not work, for nothing seemed to work as of yet anyway. Jesus said that the holy spirit is the leavening that creates the spirit to enter the Kingdom. That God was not the judging condition of which way is right, but only the provider of infinite paths. God only responds. Man judges.
Jesus did not break with logic, he just mentioned perfecting it in order to develop new constructs that Gate Valve bring new worlds of change. Change is a matter of choice and commitment. It is the person going back to the cave to tell the others about a world of light and what they fear is mere shadows of what is real.
In starting my career as a life coach, it was that of initiatory steps. It was no mere chance that my first client Kathryn was some one as well who was attempting to leave her career. For walking in the shoes of change, I would be able to pass them unto her to walk her path. This started by first making business cards. Then I proposed lectures to various churches so I could be accepted to speak in them. I then had brochures to be made for people to take home from the lecture. I hanged posters about the event. Adds were placed in local newspapers. Every one who read the posters, the adds in the paper or the people who had allowed me to lecture and place the adds; justified my being a Life Coach. I was in the process. It did not matter that no one showed for the first lecture and only four came to the second, for afterwards I made good money with my first client. I was being reassured and justified in what I am.
The hardest piece was leaving the job I was in. It was paying the rent and delivering the food that the other did not start doing as yet. Well it was because I did not ask the other to be the source yet. I was still in the other world. That world had strict limitations and they were growing. My shadow was acting up more. I was getting angina and severe anxiety. It was a good world for what I needed to learn, but I had to give it up for better. Now the time had come. The door was opening and the river was flowing out of it. I took a week off and did not care about the bills or the money I was losing. Then I knew there was another world without that one. I did not starve or get kicked out into the street. I was OK. But I had to go back to make the transition smoother. But this only created more anxiety. I was to leave for good in the next month, or else the shadow would create more and more anxiety because it knew that the old world was only bringing unhappiness. No longer was it an environment for learning, but a world asking for change, it needed someone to not only go out of the world of that Job and my world of little concrete worth; but to go without so I may find how to bring change to the wasteland. In the Hero's journey there is a calling, dissatisfaction with the old world, the entrance into the world of the mind, the challenge, the leap of faith ,giving up to something greater, the goal, and most important the return. Once I left the old world it was for me to interpret and justify other's desires for change and show them the path to aspiration. The longer we lie to ourselves, the more we hurt some part of the world. For one not to bring change is to hinder the rest of the universe. So as I change, like an atom splitting, I change the world. A butterfly flapping its wings can create a tidal wave across the world. May we all be in front of this next wave.
But this only works in the spirit of all for one and one for all. To go to the seventh Chakra of the Holy Spirit and return to the fourth chakra where we find the self without opposition to others and the world. Only then will our universe grow. But what are other worlds, where is the goal? What are we leaving behind?

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