Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Rzadko dodawane posty, wcale nie znaczą, że znudziło mi się blogowanie;) Próbuję się ogarnąć po powrocie z Rzymu, zwłaszcza z uczelnią. Wczoraj oddałam mam nadzieję, że ostatnią wersję mojej pracy licencjackiej z nadzieją, że trochę odetchnę, ale niestety czeka mnie jeszcze sporo tego. Najwyższy czas zajrzeć do pytań na obronę, a ty jeszcze profesorowie zaskakują mnie terminami egzaminów/ zaliczeń, jakbym zapomniała, że został tylko miesiąc..

Dawno nie publikowałam stylizacji, dlatego dzisiaj jest najwyższy czas ;p Bardzo się ucieszyłam odbierając piątkową paczkę z posrebrzanymi kolczykami z Alq-Art. Jak je zobaczyłam na stronie internetowej , wiedziałam, ze wkrótce znajdą się w moim pudełeczku na biżu ;) już od jakiegoś czasu szukałam pasującego do peruwiańskiej biżuterii z alpaki. Zresztą są w kształcie serduszek, no i najważniejsze, że nie uczulają ;) Z zielenią najbardziej podoba mi się połączenie pomarańczowego koloru, dlatego wybrałam brzoskwiniową bluzeczkę i dla dopełnienia kolejna asymetryczna spódniczka, tym razem w krótkiej wersji (DIY).

Zdjęcia- efekt spędzonej niedzieli z Gabi. Jeśli chcecie zobaczyć bardziej portretową wersję zdjęć zapraszam na bloga Gabi i post z moją stylizacją: Ulubienica Valentino.


Last day was so crazy, all this time after vacations in Italy is very hard for me. Yesterday i gave my final work to the professor, i hope that it was last version... I thought that maybe i will find some free time to relax but june is very busy month in my University, i have some exams in the near future so thats why i dont have so much time;/

Today some photos from Saturday with Gabi. Outfit with my new earrings from Alq-Art peach blouse and DIY asymmetric white skirt. If you want to see more, you are welcome on Gabi's post about me: Ulubienica Valentino.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


A pair of party shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: party shoes, diamond shoes, platform shoes, retro shoes, etc.

Dzisiejszy dzień mam zamiar spędzić nad Wisłą, ucząc się do zaliczeń. Więc teraz krótko i na temat. Ostatnio miałam okazję uczestniczyć w sesji zdjęciowej wykonanej przez Anię. Na zdjęciach można zobaczyć mnie z Martynką, na której bloga serdecznie zapraszam! Jak Wam się podobają zdjęcia?

I'm gonna spend all day learning by the river, so it's just a quick post to say hi! Those pictures were taken by Anna (thanks a lot!). And you can see my friend Martyna with me. I would love to invite you to their blogs. How do you like those pictures?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


A Vera do blog Blush na Bochecha enviou uma TAG. Ag regras são as de sempre mas para quem não se lembra aqui ficam elas:

1. Criar um post e responder às questões de quem te deu a TAG;
2. Criar 11 novas perguntas diferentes para passar adiante;
3. Escolher 11 bloggers para passar a TAG e colocar o link delas no post;
4. Ir à página das bloggers seleccionadas e dizer-lhes que foram tagueadas;
5. Não se pode taguear a blogger que nos indicou a TAG;
6. Avisar a blogger que nos passou a TAG quando fizermos o post sobre a mesma.

As perguntas que a Vera me fez:

1-Que cidade gostavas de conhecer?
Adoro viajar, conhecer cidades portanto não consigo dizer uma cidade mas gostava muito de conhecer Nova Iorque, Sidney, Amesterdão, Viena, Barcelona, Florença, ui...tantas!

2-Já pensaste em trabalhar fora do teu país?
Tantas vezes...

3-Usas produtos testados em animais sabendo que o fazem?
Evito. Prefiro os que não fazem testes em animais.

4-Que produto de maquilhagem dispensas no Verão?

5- Qual o teu lugar favorito para comer um gelado?
Há vários mas um que adorei foi nas Praças em Roma...[saudades].

6-Que produtos de beleza que só vendem no estrangeiro gostarias de ter?
Talvez a Cleansing & Polishing Tool da Sigma.

7-Trabalhas, estudas?

8-Uma coisa que mudarias em ti;
Fisicamente ter uns centimentros a mais, psicologicamente ser mais despreocupada.

9-Quais as gurus estrangeiras que mais admiras?

10-Tens uma alimentação saudavel?

11-Se respondeste sim à anterior quais as tuas regras para um bom regime alimentar?
Exercício físico, água, legumes, fruta. Não bebo refrigerantes nem álcool. Pouco sal e açúcar. Por aí...

Obrigada Vera pela perguntas, foi muito interessante!!

Não vou passar a ninguém específico porque já o fiz várias vezes e  começo a ficar sem alternativas. Mas quem ainda não levou uma TAG minha pode levar esta e responder às mesmas perguntas (brilhantes!!) da Verinha!!

Espero que tenham gostado!

Piątkowe ploty o modzie

A pair of party shoes to women is what a pair of crystal shoes to Cinderella. Pep up your wardrobe and look to Oasap fashion heels selections: party shoes, diamond shoes, platform shoes, retro shoes, etc.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Walk like a Diva

Hi! I was asked to join a fun contest last week and here is my entry for the contest held by Diva Hair. Diva Hair is an online community for Romanian fashionistas where they can get the scoop on the latest hair trends and hairstyles and pretty much everything beauty related.
I had to create an outfit using a piece that's in trend this summer and I chose the black pencil skirt.
An odd choice you might say considering how I am always very colorful, but I think that a black pencil skirt is a very versatile item. A classic piece that every woman should have in her closet!
The perfect pencil skirt is only one click away! Find it at Zenga.Ro here!
I am wearing a Only skirt, white lace top from H&M, pink, paisley print Vero Moda blazer and OASAP bag.

Awesome sponsors of this contest: Made By Oz, YKY.m Bags and Zega.Ro.

The gorgeous Depot 96 skirt available here

Cream and black

Hi all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night! I'm going to have my summer break in a month. I can't wait to get my summer break so I can blog more. Yay. Today I received my parcel from VJ style. Please check out this store. They have the cutest stuffs. I fell in love with this top. I love the cotton parts of it. It's super soft and feels so good. The neutral color goes well with any bottoms.
 So here you go all!

My meow nails :)
