Friday, November 16, 2012

Brand New Replica Watches For Sale

Everyday a new brand or a new product pops up. How is anyone really supposed to keep up with this kind of stuff? If your one of the 600 million millionaires on earth you probably don't mind keeping up with the trend of buying a new car every month, or a new phone every other week so you can keep up with all the change, but for us normal people (even the ones that have money), we don't want to have to go through those financial pains. And they are pains, boy oh boy. Replica fashion jackets online s are the perfect switch for almost any product. Of course there's a really low percentage of companies that sell replica products and they don't do a very good job at replicating that new Gucci purse or that mink fur coat you always wanted. But for the most part when you see a replica store on or offline you can be sure that it will be either an exact copy and or almost exact copy of the original.

A really popular product for these replica stores to sell are watches. Watches can get pretty darn expensive, cant they? Anywhere from $5,000 on up is pretty drastic. And what if you just happen to buy that brand new Cartier watch, and you have an accident of some sort. Maybe you accidentally break the face on the watch, or your hand gets stuck on the car door of your Ferrari, then what? How much would it cost to get it fixed? I would guess a few thousand dollars. In this sense it would be a good idea to buy a replica of the original watch. Or hey if you really want the original, buy it, but only wear it when you know there's no chance of it being stolen or broken.

These replica watches are pretty close to their originals, and you don't need to take heart pain medicine when you buy one. Let me take a few examples of some really well know watch brand names and compare them to their originals so you can see for yourself just how much money you could be saving. Ill do Armani, Hermes, Louis Vuitton and Chanel. These are some really popular names in this industry, if not the most popular minus the Rolex which is missing. By the way these are all prices for men's watches. Which does matter!

Armani -
Retail - $300
Replica - $80

Hermes -
Retail - $1,200
Replica - $80

Louis Vuitton -
Retail - $4,000+
Replica - $83

Chanel -
Retail - $4,500+
Replica - $888

You can tell two things from those stats. One, the replicas are cheaper in price, but that doesn't mean cheapness in quality! And two looking at the Chanel watch, $888 is still a lot but in my mind if someone is selling a replica for $888 compared to the originals $4,500 you know its got to be a pretty awesome watch and a really good quality. Not to say the other ones aren't of good quality, they are too. But also notice the original watch price of all those watches, and then notice Chanel, $4500 and up. That's an expensive watch. I saw one for $10k online that was the exact copy of the one that was online as a replica. That's saying something. Check these prices out online, see for yourself. Compare the prices, compare the photographs. You will see exactly what I mean!

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