Thursday, November 22, 2012

Solar How To: Constructing a Solar Water Heating Panel Part III

For any of you interested in lowering your utility bill. Here is a numerical, step-by-step guide to constructing a solar water heating panel. The materials are cheap and easy to come by:

1. Constructing the solar water heating panel frame and tray requires the use of the cedar boards, drill and circular saw. Construct a wooden frame that measures 1500 mm by 900 m by 80 mm. The corner joints are an important aspect of frame construction. Make sure to use a corner joint technique that allows for stability and durability. Seal with wood glue.

2. Once the initial frame has been constructed, drill two holes measuring 11 mm in both sides of the frame. The holes should be plac women's coats ed 2 inches from the top and bottom of the frame. This allows the copper tubing to run through the frame.

3. Measure the newly constructed frame and cut a sheet from the plywood that fits those measurements exactly. Nail this sheet onto the back of the frame. Seal with wood glue.

4. Use a wood finish to coat the frame and backing sheet to ensure durability. Allow to dry fully before proceeding.

5. Next create the absorber plate. Clean the aluminum sheet on both sides to eliminate any possible oil or dirt residue it may have collected. Using fine sandpaper or steel wool, etch into the shiny side of the aluminum sheet.

6. Apply the spray primer to the now etched side of the aluminum sheet. Allow to dry and then spray it with the black matte finish paint. The paint will dry quickly, but it is best to let it sit overnight so it can harden fully.

7. Bend the copper tubing into a cylindrical shape. This can be achieved by bending the tubing slowly around the base of a bottle. This step should be done slowly, so the tubing is not nicked in the process. Spray the entire outside of the newly constructed cylinder with black matte paint and allow it to dry. The cylinder should have enough tubing left on each end to be threaded into the frame when installed.

8. Once the paint on the copper tube has dried, place the tube onto the black side of the aluminum sheet. Trace with chalk and mark points where holes can be drilled into the sheeting to secure the copper tubing. Remove the copper tube and drill holes wide enough to fit a heavy duty wire through. Replace the copper tube and secure it to the black side of the aluminum sheet by winding a single piece of heavy duty wire through the holes. Make the wire as tight as possible, as the copper tube needs to fit snuggly against the sheeting.

9. Lay the 3-inch thick fiber glass wool into the bottom of the wooden frame. Be sure the entire surface is covered with the fiber glass wool, and then place aluminum foil, shiny side up, on top of the fiber glass wool.

10. Lay the aluminum sheet with the attached copper tubing on top of the aluminum foil and fiber glass wool. The aluminum sheeting can be sealed into place by screwing strips of wood beading to the sides of the frame. Be sure to thread the copper tubing through the holes previously drilled on the side of the frame. Re-spray the entire inside structure with black paint to cover any discrepancies and allow it to dry.

11. Place the glass sheet in the tray over the aluminum sheeting. There should be no more than a half-inch gap between the copper tubing and the glass. A large gap will cause heating inefficiencies. Seal the glass into place using another strip of wood beading and wood glue. Seal the entire structure with a multi-purpose sealant.

The step-by-step directions can be used by a homeowner or renter in the construction of a solar water heating panel. These panels are used as both an alternative energy source and a cost-saving device. While solar power can be expensive initially, solar power will pay for itself in the long run. Solar water heating panels are an example of how a homeowner or renter can engage in saving money by spending some time on a do-it-yourself project.

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